About City Source

This site is a resource for news and announcements from the City of McCall.The City of McCall is a small resort town located in the heart of Idaho’s West Central Mountains with a welcoming community that has played host to tourism for over a century.

Content on this site is generated by representatives of McCall city government. Therefore, any content or communication on this site, whether by a city employee or by the public, is subject to Idaho state public records law.

While the City of McCall on occasion welcomes and appreciates comments on this site, it cannot respond to all comments and questions posted. Please visit the city’s main website at www.mccall.id.us to find contact information for specific city departments.

Any comment, feedback or other method of communication that is made by someone other than an official representative of the City of McCall is solely the view and opinion of the author alone. It does not represent an official communication from the City of McCall or any member of its staff.

Comments on this site may not be open on all posts and are moderated. As such, there may be a delay between the comment’s submission and its posting on the site. All comments will be posted excepting those that contain obscenities, threats, or racial, ethnic, sexual or other slurs.

The City of McCall does not endorse any advertisement or marketing effort that may be seen on this site.  The City of McCall does not accept event invitations, cause invitations and page suggestions.

For additional information, please contact the City of McCall at 208-634-7142.