Development Impact Fees

General Information
C.E.D. Director
Michelle Groenevelt
E.D. Planner
Delta James
Building Official
John Powell
City Planner
Brian Parker
Permit Tech
Rachel Santiago-Govier
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
216 E Park Street

McCall is a mountain town community located in Valley County, Idaho, 100 miles north of Boise. Incorporated in 1913, McCall has grown to a permanent population of 3,686 and a large second homeowner or tourist population, which can grow to up to approximately 10,000 people at peak season time periods. The City of McCall is soliciting proposals from qualified firms or teams of firms with experience in preparing development impact fee studies for transportation, storm water, parks & recreation and law enforcement, particularly for local jurisdictions in the state of Idaho.


Request for Proposals - Development Impact Fee Study for McCall, Idaho | [Posted August 16th, 2024]

Guidelines related to this RFP process:


August 16, 2024 RFP issued

September 16, 2024 Proposals Due

September 16-20, 2024 Review of Proposals

September 23-27, 2024 Interviews Conducted and Top Firm Identified

October 10, 2024 City Council Acceptance of Recommended Firm

November 2024 Contract Negotiated and Executed


1. Questions Regarding the RFP: Questions regarding the project may be directed to Michelle Groenevelt, Community and Economic  Development Director for the City of McCall at (208)634-5229 or The City will consider questions from firms as long as the questions are submitted. All interested parties that have provided notice to the City of their intent to submit a Statement of Qualifications shall receive the City’s answer to any timely submitted question. All requests for explanation or clarification must be presented to the City in written form.   All inquiries related to this RFP shall be submitted in writing to:


Michelle Groenevelt, CED Director          

City of McCall, Idaho                                          

216 East Park St.

McCall, ID  83638 


To view communications regarding this RFP to date see FAQ's at the bottom of this page.  


2. Oral Agreements: No oral agreement or conversation with any officer, agent, or employee of the City, either before or after execution of the Contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations contained in the Contract.  Any such oral agreement or conversation shall be considered unofficial information and in no way binding upon the City or the Firm. If inquiries or comments raise issues that require clarification by the City, or the City decides to revise any part of this RFP, addenda will be provided to all parties that have provided notice to the City of their intent to submit a Proposal.


3. Receipt of Addenda: In the event that the City issues an addendum to this RFQ, the Firm shall acknowledge receipt of each addendum by signing in the space provided on the issued addendum and by submitting all addenda with their proposal.  Responding Firms shall also sign and return the cover page of each addendum to the City Clerk via e-mail to acknowledge receipt.


4. Reservation of Rights: The City reserves and holds at its discretion the following rights and options:

a. Issue addenda to the Request for Proposal;

b. Withdraw the Request for Proposal;

c. Request clarification and/or additional information from the Firm at any point in the procurement process;

d. Reject any or all Proposals, waive irregularities in any Proposals, as may be deemed to be in the best interest of the City; and Reissue or modify the RFP.


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