Noxious Weeds and Poisonous Plants

Contact Us
Parks and Recreation Director
Kurt Wolf
Administrative Assistant
Stefanie Bork
Recreation Supervisor
Recreation Supervisor
Tara Woods
Parks Superintendent
Parks Superintendent
Edward Heider
Phone Numbers
Fax: 1-208-634-3038
Emergencies: Dial 911
Rec. Physical 210 E. Park St.OR Parks Physical 101 W. Forest St.
Mailing 216 E. Park St.

Parks and Recreation Office
Daily 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Want to learn more about Noxious Weeds and Poisonous Plants in our area? You have come to the right place!


Kevyn Boothe

Facilities, Maintenance & Program Coordinator

Pull Together Program

101 W. Forest St. 

Cell: 208-315-7422

PULL TOGETHER PROGRAM-FRIDAYS June 7th - August 2nd Summer 2024

11 am at 101 Forest St.

Learn how to identify, gather supplies, and take on weeds!

Noxious weeds are introduced plants from other parts of the world that are not native to the area and out-compete and displace native vegetation.  Many were brought here for ornamentals, were in contaminated seed sources, world freight travels, etc.  There are 67 weeds designated as “noxious” by the Idaho Department of Agriculture and 11 of these currently exist in and around the City of McCall.  You may have seen recent weekly newspaper picture ads; Wanted Dead, Not Alive of some of the key noxious weeds in our area, including;  spotted knapweed, yellow toadflax, houndstongue, and Canada thistle.

McCall City is part of the Upper Payette Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) and coordinates control work with Steve Anderson, Valley County Weed, and Pest Control Agent, and other CWMA members. The foundation for cooperative noxious weed control has been established and help is available through Valley County Weed and Pest Control. There are many opportunities for City individuals, landowners, etc. to capitalize on support provided by the County Weed Program.  For example, Home Owner Associations can organize a ‘Spray Day’ and backpack sprayers, guidance and herbicide can be provided by the County.

McCall City has had an active noxious weed control program for the last several years.  Their focus is to control weeds in City Parks, along bike paths/walkways, road R-O-Ws, and City property.  Very frequently, weeds on adjacent private land are not being controlled and they continue to provide a seed source for expanding infestations.  It is a land owners duty and responsibility as per Idaho Code 22-2407(1) to control noxious weeds on their property.

Have questions? contact Ed Heider 634-8969 or Steven Anderson 315-0368.

  • Report an infestation of noxious weeds in the city: here.

The following map shows where we have recently sprayed for noxious weeds, and where we have scheduled to spray in the near future. 


Noxious Weed Control- Take the time to care 

Poisonous Plants

The City of McCall is still wild. Amidst the stunning West Central Mountains of Idaho, hidden dangers lurk – poisonous plants. While enjoying walks or hikes in this beautiful area, it's crucial to stay vigilant. These seemingly harmless plants can be deceptive, carrying toxins that pose a threat. This caution extends especially to children, who may unknowingly come into contact with them. Always be watchful, and avoid touching or consuming any unfamiliar plants. In this natural haven, awareness and caution are your best allies against the potential hazards these plants might present.

Thank you to our friends at the US Forest Service and Department of Agriculture for providing this linked information. These below have been sited in or around the City of McCall by our Parks staff.


Horsetails and Scouring Rushes - Equisetum spp.
Bracken Fern - Pteridium aquilinum 
Monkshood - Aconitum columbiana
Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa
Locoweeds and Milkvetches - Astragalus spp.
Water Hemlock - Cicuta douglasii
Larkspurs - Delphinium spp.
Lupines - Lupinus spp.
Cherries - Prunus spp.
Buttercups - Ranunculus spp.
Elderberry - Sambucus cerulea
Nightshade - Solanum dulcamara
Tansy - Tanacetum vulgare
Stinging Nettle - Urtica dioica
Corn Lily - Veratrum californicum
Cocklebur - Xanthium strumarium
Death Camas - Zygadenus spp.