Idaho Room Digital History Collection

The McCall Library Family History, and Subject files have been digitized, and are now being hosted by the University of Idaho’s Digital Collections.

The McCall Public Library Collection is a digital collection of local family history and subjects of interest. The documents were collected by the McCall Public Library and the Payette Lakes Progressive Club for over a half-century. This extensive collection of unique transcribed oral histories, obituaries, articles, and photos filled up several filing cabinets in the Library. It began to be digitized in 2015, thanks to the Perc & Gladys Popsisil Shelton Foundation, the Idaho State Historical Society, and the McCall Local Option Tax funds, and was deposited in the University of Idaho digital collections starting in October 2016. Further work was supported by a grant from the Idaho Humanities Council in 2017. In the future, this site will also house the Library’s newspapers, which may include the Warren Times (1862 to 1942), Cascade Times, Stibnite Miner, Payette Lakes Star, and others. Thanks to the University of Idaho, all our funding sources and the many hours of volunteer work to get this project accessible to the community. 

NOTE: Access to these files only available on McCall Public Library computers and wifi.