Purpose: As outlined in the 2018 McCall Area Comprehensive Plan and the City of McCall Housing Strategy, a Local Housing Program that includes a number of tools to create a variety of for-sale or rental units with various price points is needed in order to support a year-around community. As part of the Local Housing Program, this incentive-based program intends to encourage the private sector to build units with deed restrictions to increase the supply of housing for locals. Deed restrictions are an important tool to ensure housing units for locals stay affordable for the long-term for other locals who are interested in renting or purchasing a unit in the city of McCall. These restrictions ensure permanent affordability.
Incentive: Maximum Incentive Value: $10,000 of value per unit, provided that units are deed or lease restricted for local housing and meet the criteria set forth in the Incentive Program. The Incentive will be calculated for the value of the incentive amount and will be issued on a reimbursement basis. The Local Housing Incentive Program is contingent upon available funding.
Eligibility: Project must be located within the McCall City limits and have recorded approved deed restrictions for units to be eligible for the incentive.
Examples for Incentive Expenditure: The following are the priorities for expenditures for the incentive (value up to $10,000/unit) but may not be limited to:
The following is a list of funding sources but may not be limited to:
A deed restriction placed on the property will determine how an owner may use, rent or resell the property or unit. Rather than link the local housing program to income categories, the purpose of the criteria for the deed restrictions would focus on people who work in the community to also have housing within McCall. Deed restrictions for rental, for sale or employer-owned units would define and include the following criteria set forth here.
Criteria: The purpose of the criteria is to define how deed restrictions will be developed depending on the ownership, type of unit or development, and other considerations based on a project-by-project evaluation.
Criteria for all projects: These minimum requirements apply to all deed-restricted units:
For Rent Units: Must meet the general criteria for all projects and may be subject to the following:
For Sale Units: Must meet the general criteria for all projects and may be subject to the following:
Land Banking
The City Council has committed to creating a fund annually for the purpose of purchasing land for the purpose of creating deed-restricted Local Housing.
Code Updates
The City of McCall is currently in the process of drafting updates to the McCall Area Code for the City and County. Numerous ideas were identified and evaluated in a joint work session with the McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission and governing bodies. Many of the code updates will address local housing needs and also include seasonal housing provisions.
Housing Advisory Committee Page