McCall Area Youth Council

About Us

On October 6th, 2022, McCall City Council established the McCall Area Youth Advisory Council. (RESOLUTION NO. 22-33) There are many issues that arise in the City government and the community as a whole that may be of interest to youth or may affect youth in the community. It is beneficial for the community and the youth to develop the citizenship skills of youth in the community by working with the local government on such issues. The City government can directly benefit from the advice and efforts of youth in the community on the issues that confront the City.


From left to right: Sophie Ruehman, Rylinn Lee, Keelee Burns, Emerson Dummar, Mia Rider, Lilli Mihlfeith, Caleb Campbell, Kyrie Bean, Rand Rentzsch

McCall Area Youth Discount Program

The McCall Area Youth Discount Program was an initiative created by the first McCall Area Youth Council. This initiative was created to help the youth of McCall have more affordable restaurant options. The Youth Council is working on growing this partnership with more local restaurants and are currently working with Salmon River Brewery, Mountain Java, Frenchie's on 3rd, Squatch Sweets, and Brundage Resort. The graphic below shows the meal options for youth at these restaurants, or for a clearer image click the link below the graphic.

Youth Discount Program