McCall Area
Planning and Zoning Commission
March 1, 2021 – 4:30 p.m.
McCall City Hall – Lower Level & MSTeams Teleconference
216 East Park Street, McCall, ID 83638
This meeting will be a hybrid, in-person and virtual meeting. Use a phone to call 208-634-8900, when prompted enter Conference ID 757 723 342#. If there are any questions, contact Brian Parker, City Planner (see contact info below).
The Meeting Room Occupancy Capacity in Legion Hall is 15, and subject to the 6-foot social distancing recommendation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This allows space for 9 people in addition to the Commissioners and staff who are anticipated to be in attendance (7).
Social Distancing will be enforced, Masks are required in city facilities.
The first 8 persons who appear will be allowed to be present in the meeting location. All other persons may be in attendance virtually via Teleconference.
COMMISSION MEETING – Begins at 4:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Commissioners Robert Lyons (Chair), Scott Tunnell, Christina Nemec, Ryan Kinzer, Liz Rock, Tony Moss, Tom Mihlfeith.
· February 1, 2022 – Planning & Zoning Minutes
Pre-Application for a Rezone
14141 State Highway 55
Erika Sussi (Owner): A pre-application for a Rezone at the property currently zoned RR – Rural Residential. The applicant hopes to rezone to RE – Rural Estate, in order to split off and sell a 5-acre parcel.
All matters which are listed within the consent section of the agenda have been distributed to each member of the McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission for reading and study. Items listed are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted with one motion unless a commissioner specifically requests it to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Staff recommends approval of the following ACTION ITEMS:
There were no items submitted for the March 1 Agenda requiring Consent Agenda Approval
SG-22-02 (Sign Design Review)
501 Pine St (ACTION ITEM)
Eileen Bailey for Engel & Voelker’s Real Estate: A Design Review application for new signage at the new place of business for Engel & Voelker’s Real Estate. Signage includes a free-standing sign, and two fascia signs totaling __ square feet. The sign designs utilize a black text on white background design matching the corporate brand design. The property is zoned CBD – Central Business District, is located within the Shoreline Environs Zone, and is more particularly described as:
Lots 1 & 2 of Block 3 of McCall’s First Addition, situate in the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 9, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
PUD-22-02 & SUB-22-01 (ACTION ITEM)
176 Coy Rd – Denise Carter, Corby Garrett and Chad Carter
An application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan and Subdivision Preliminary Plat to create 8 single-family lots out of an existing lot of 9.22 acres. The property is zoned R1 – Residential 1 Acre, and is more particularly described as:
Tax Parcel No. 22, situate in the E ½ of the SE ¼ of Section 18, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
DR-22-03 & SH-22-01 (ACTION ITEM)
2260 Payette Drive – Luke Vannoy for Tom & Laurie Corrick
An application for Design Review and Shoreline approval to remove the existing garage and entry due to ice and snow issues, and replace with a new 3-bay garage, entry and connector with living space above totaling 2,121 square feet of new construction, and a total building size of 4,634 square feet. The property is zoned R4 – Low Density Residential, is located within the Shoreline Environs Zone, and is more particularly described as:
Lots 59 and 60 in the Amended Payette Lakes Cottage Sites, situated in the S ½ of the E ½ of Section 33, T19N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
PUD-20-01 (Final Plan) & SUB-20-04 (Final Plat) (ACTION ITEM)
TBD Forest St – Running Horse
Sasha Childs of Cornerstone Build & Design: An application for a Planned Unit Development Final Plan and Subdivision Final Plat to create thirteen (13) detached, single family dwelling units, one of which will be a deed restricted local housing unit. The property is zoned R4 – Low Density Residential, and is more particularly described as:
Tax parcel 218 in lots 7, 8, &9, and Lot 6, and Tax parcel 232 in Lot 5, Block E, Brundage Subdivision, Section 8, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
· Signs approved administratively
American with Disabilities Act Notice: The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting room is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need assistance, contact City Hall at 634-7142. Please allow 48 hours.