McCall Area
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 3, 2022 – 4:30 p.m.
McCall City Hall – Lower Level & MSTeams Teleconference
216 East Park Street, McCall, ID 83638
This meeting will be a hybrid, in-person and virtual meeting. Use a phone to call 208-634-8900, when prompted enter Conference ID 757 723 342#. If there are any questions, contact Brian Parker, City Planner (see contact info below). The Meeting Room Occupancy Capacity in Legion Hall is 15, and subject to the 6-foot social distancing recommendation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This allows space for 9 people in addition to the Commissioners and staff who are anticipated to be in attendance (7).
Social Distancing will be enforced, Masks are recommended in city facilities.
The first 9 persons who appear will be allowed to be present in the meeting location. All other persons may be in attendance virtually via Teleconference.
COMMISSION MEETING – Begins at 4:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Commissioners Robert Lyons (Chair), Scott Tunnell, Christina Nemec, Ryan Kinzer, Liz Rock, Tony Moss, Tom Mihlfeith.
· April 5, Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes (Action Item)
Pre-Application for a Variance
300 Krahn Ln - Leslie & Terri Roberts
A Pre-Application for a Variance from McCall City Code Title 3, Chapter 16, Section 08 – Lapse of Design Review Approval (MCC 3.16.08) in order to submit previously-approved Design Review plans which expired on October 6, 2021 to the Building Department for a Building Permit; AND/OR Variance from MCC 3.4.04(C), MCC 3.4.031, and MCC 3.2.02 regarding “BUILDING HEIGHT” in order to submit the previous Design Review Application Materials for approval by Code Standards that were updated after the original Design Review Approval in October of 2020 and Expiration in October of 2021. The Property is Zoned CC – Community Commercial, and is more particularly described as:
Tax Lot No. 75-C of McCall Acreage situate in the SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 16, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho
Pre-Application for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) & Subdivision Preliminary Plat (SUB)
204 & 210 N 3rd St – Steve Millemann for S3 Hotels LLC
A pre-application for a Planned Unit Development (Preliminary Plan) and Subdivision (Preliminary Plat) to construct 23 single family residential townhomes. The property is zoned CC – Community Commercial, and is more particularly described as:
McCall Acreage Tax No.’s 149 & 170, situate in the SE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 16, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Idaho.
Pre-Application for a Planned Unit Development (PUD)
TBD Deinhard Ln – Ben Semple for ZWJ Properties, LLC
A pre-application for a Planned Unit Development (Preliminary Plan) to construct a mixed use, primarily multi-family housing development in a range of unit sizes to primarily serve as workforce housing. Commercial and/or amenities space will be provided on the first floor of the building fronting Deinhard Lane. Current preliminary plans propose 48 1-bedroom units, 46 2-bedroom units, and 18 4-bedroom units for a total of 118 dwelling units. The property is zoned CC- Community Commercial, and is more particularly described as:
McCall Tax Parcel No.’s 220 and 221, situate in the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 17, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Idaho.
All matters which are listed within the consent section of the agenda have been distributed to each member of the McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission for reading and study. Items listed are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted with one motion unless a commissioner specifically requests it to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Staff recommends approval of the following ACTION ITEMS:
342, 344, & 350 Mather Rd – Doug Harper & Gabriela Hess-Harper
Doug Harper & Gabriela Harper-Hess: An application for a Record of Survey to split an existing parcel into 3 lots based on their original McCall Acreage Tax Lot configuration. The current parcel totals25,873.93 square feet (0.59 acres); the 3 lots proposed total 0.222 acres (No. 55), 0.174 acres (No. 54) and 0.204 acres (No.53), respectively. The properties are Zoned R8 – Medium Density Residential, and are more particularly described as:
A parcel of land situate in Government Lot 4 of Section 8, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Idaho.
Not a Public Hearing
1023 Kaitlyn Loop – Nicholas & Nicole Krasensky
An application for Scenic Route Approval to install Scenic Route compliant landscaping along the SR Buffer on Lick Creek Rd in combination with development of a new, single-family dwelling unit approved by the Applicant’s HOA Design Review Committee. The property is zoned R4 – Low Density Residential, is located within the Scenic Route Overlay, and is more particularly described as:
Lots 23 of Block 2 in Lick Creak Meadows Subdivision Phase 1, situated in the SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 3, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
Not a Public Hearing
No Old Business
201 Rio Vista – Stephen Edwards
Stephen Edwards: An application for Design Review to construct a 2-car carport on the existing Single-Family Residence/Bed & Breakfast to bring the total square footage of the structure to 5,314 square feet. The property is zoned R1 –Residential – 1 Acre, and is more particularly described as:
Situate in the E ½ of the SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 17, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Idaho.
PUD-22-05, SUB -22-03, CUP-22-05, DR-22-07 & SR-22-05 (ACTION ITEM)
TBD Elo Rd – Amy Holm for Ross Vontver of Where Toys Live, LLC
An application for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan, Subdivision Preliminary Plat, a Conditional Use Permit, Design Review, and Scenic Route Review to construct 46 privately owned storage units (“Storage Condominimums”) in 5 buildings varying in size for a total of 55,290 square feet of new construction: on a property totaling 5.4 Acres or 235,102 square feet. The property is zoned RE – Rural Estate, and is more particularly described as:
Amended Tax Parcel No. 126, Situate in the NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 22, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
555 E Deinhard Ln – Tim Eddy of Idaho Dept of Fish & Game
An application for Design Review to construct a new vehicle storage and temporary office building of similar dimension and design to two (2) existing buildings on site. The new building will have 5 garage bays, 30 x 36 feet each, with an office and storage area separated by interior walls totaling 30x18 feet each. The property is zoned CC – Community Commercial, and is more particularly described as:
Parcel ID# RP18N03E16IDA1, situate in the W ½ of the SW ¼ of the NE 1/14 of Section 16, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
· Signs approved administratively
7. NEXT MEETING – May 17, 2022 – 4:30pm
American with Disabilities Act Notice: The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting room is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need assistance, contact City Hall at 634-7142. Please allow 48 hours.