McCall Area
Planning and Zoning Commission
May 17, 2022 – 4:30 p.m.
McCall City Hall – Lower Level & MSTeams Teleconference
216 East Park Street, McCall, ID 83638
This meeting will be a hybrid, in-person and virtual meeting. Use a phone to call 208-634-8900, when prompted enter Conference ID 531 212 241#. If there are any questions, contact Brian Parker, City Planner (
The Meeting Room Occupancy Capacity in Legion Hall is 15, and subject to the 6-foot social distancing recommendation of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This allows space for 9 people in addition to the Commissioners and staff who are anticipated to be in attendance (7).
Social Distancing will be enforced, Masks are recommended in city facilities.
The first 9 persons who appear will be allowed to be present in the meeting location. All other persons may be in attendance virtually via Teleconference.
COMMISSION MEETING – Begins at 4:30 p.m.
CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – Commissioners Robert Lyons (Chair), Scott Tunnell, Christina Nemec, Ryan Kinzer, Liz Rock, Tony Moss, Tom Mihlfeith.
· May 3, Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes (Action Item)
No Preliminary Development Plan Reviews, Special Meeting to review remaining Commission-Level Planning & Zoning Applications for the May Application Period.
All matters which are listed within the consent section of the agenda have been distributed to each member of the McCall Area Planning and Zoning Commission for reading and study. Items listed are considered routine by the Commission and will be enacted with one motion unless a commissioner specifically requests it to be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Staff recommends approval of the following ACTION ITEMS:
No Consent Agenda Items, Special Meeting to review remaining Commission-Level Planning & Zoning Applications for the May Application Period.
No Old Business, Special Meeting to review remaining Commission-Level Planning & Zoning Applications for the May Application Period.
1280 Chris Ln – Ronald & Laurie Milla (pronounced mee-ya)
An application for Design Review to construct a covered storage are addition onto an existing single family home. The existing home totals 4,624 square feet; the proposed addition totals 1,050 square feet, for a total building size of 5,674 square feet. The property is zoned RR – Rural Residential, and is more particularly described as:
Amended Tax Parcel Number 348 of McCall Acreage situate in Government Lot 2, Section 8, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
607 Lick Creek Rd – Rick & Laurie Farmer
An application for Design Review to construct a covered storage are addition onto an existing single family home. The existing home totals 4,624 square feet; the proposed addition totals 1,050 square feet, for a total building size of 5,674 square feet. The property is zoned RR – Rural Residential, and is more particularly described as:
Amended Tax Parcel Number 348 of McCall Acreage situate in Government Lot 2, Section 8, T18N, R3E, B.M., City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
DR-22-11 & SH-22-02 (ACTION ITEM)
2168 Payette Dr – Ryan Baldwin for Bob Schwenkfelder
An application for Design Review and Shoreline approval to add new landscaping to the recently remodeled single-family home in compliance with the previous Design Review conditions of approval. Proposed work includes construction of terraced boulder walls to stabilize the slope, not to exceed 30” in height; applicants also intend to replace the existing lower deck to a paver patio and seed the lakeside lawn with creeping red fescue. The property is zoned R4 – Low Density Residential, is located within the Shoreline Environs Zone, and is more particularly described as:
Lot 1 of Block 15 of the Southwest Payette Cottage Sites (State Subdivision), situate in Section 32, T19N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
200, 202 & 204 Forest St – Mark Dahlberg for St. Luke’s McCall Hospital
An application for Design Review to pave and stripe three (3) currently unpaved, separated parking lots, into a single, contiguous and paved lot to come into conformance with City Code. The project will increase the total parking available to the hospital staff and patients from 105 spaces, to 157 spaces. The property is zoned CV – Civic, and is more particularly described as:
Lots 1 & 2 of Block B of the Brundage Subdivision, situate in Section 8, T18N, R3E, City of McCall, Valley County, Idaho.
CUP-22-03, SR-22-06, AA-22-09 (ACTION ITEM)
805 S Samson Trail – Willow Pulliam and Keegan Freelon
An application for a Conditional Use Permit, Scenic Route Review, And Administrative Design Review to allow parking of contractor and snow removal work vehicles on private residential property until such time that the property owners are able to purchase property outside of the Residential Zone they are located within. The property is zoned R1 – Residential 1 Acre, and is more particularly described as:
Amended Tax Parcel Number 106, situate in the W ½ of the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 22, T18N, R3E, B.M., Valley County, Idaho.
· Signs approved administratively
American with Disabilities Act Notice: The Planning and Zoning Commission meeting room is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need assistance, contact City Hall at 634-7142. Please allow 48 hours.