Bear Season in McCall

“Bear season” is in full swing in McCall.  During the past three weeks, Fish and Game has received several reports of bears in neighborhoods, getting into trash, eating from bird feeders, and acting unconcerned about humans.  
Fish and Game staff lethally removed one bear earlier this summer after it tried entering a house. Biologists and conservation officers are actively working in other neighborhoods to secure food sources and prevent bears from scoring an easy meal, removing the incentive for bears to stick around town.
“What we know from experiences throughout the state is that it is much easier to alter human behavior than it is to alter bear behavior,” Regan Berkley, Regional Wildlife Manager. “Because of that, we’re asking for residents’ help.”
Now is the time to make sure that bears have no access to any food sources.  Keep garbage inside until morning of pickup, and make sure it is all contained in a bear resistant container.  Take down bird feeders, and don’t leave food or coolers outside unattended, even for a few minutes.  
“Short term rentals are one of our biggest challenges,” says Berkley.  
She asks owners to make sure guests are aware of bear issues, and to ensure that they are following bear-smart practices for securing food and garbage.  Fish and Game has brochures that owners can provide to renters to help make sure they have all the information they need.  
Berkley encourages residents to report bear issues to Fish and Game at 208-634-8137.  
“Often, if we know of a problem early, we can get information out to homeowners and change both human and bear behavior before bears get too habituated,” Berkley said.  “If our first report is a bear trying to get into a house, we have fewer options.”

More: City News