The City does NOT allow NEW mailboxes to be installed within City maintained public rights-of way (ROW), because it is impractical for property owners to keep mailboxes clear of snow during the winter plow season when City plow operations are occurring 24/7. Mailboxes inevitably get damaged by snow plowing activities (either by the City or private contractors). These issues result in the USPS being unable to deliver mail in a timely, consistent manner.
1. If a property owner/mail customer can install the mailbox in:
2. Existing mailboxes located and accessed by USPS delivery vehicles on City streets and ROWs
3. A new mailbox that is proposed to be co-located on an already existing mailbox post that is recognized by the Public Works Department. No City permitting is required for co-locate installation on an existing mailbox post.
4. Requests for mailboxes to be located on Private streets or public streets that are outside the City limits need to be approved by the HOA or other entity (i.e., Valley County) that has management control over the street in addition to the USPS McCall Postmaster. No City permitting is required for mailbox installations on Private roads.
Any citizen who would like to inquire about an existing mailbox located on City streets/ROWs within McCall City limits is encouraged to contact:
USPS McCall Postmaster
Public Works Administrative Coordinator
Jodi Weaver