Welcome to the Public Works Permitting Information Page. Please find many answers to the most common questions below.
Please note that your application must be complete, and the department will not process incomplete permit applications.
That means making sure to have all the required documentation at the time of submission.
A permit grants the holder authorization to perform specific construction and excavation work. The permit identifies the party responsible for overseeing and completing all work performed within the City’s rights-of way or public property. It also assures that party is properly insured and bonded to cover any damages that occur to public or private property.
If you engage in construction work in the public right of way without an approved permit you may be charged with a misdemeanor and/or fined $300.00.
1. Complete application with all applicable information.
2. Must have a copy of site plan attached: (a) must be to scale and dimensioned, (b) indicate North arrow, (c) driveway location & dimension, (d) water location, (e) other utilities.
3. Driveway Location must be marked prior to initial inspection. Maximum driveway width is 20ft. within the city's right of way for a single family residence.
4. Property pins adjacent to the roadway must be marked prior to initial inspection by the City.
5. Property address must be posted and visible from roadway.
6. Submit a copy of current general liability policy (if not already on file with the City). Certificate needs to show at least $500,000.00 Personal Injury and $1,000,000.00 General Aggregate naming the City of McCall as Additional Insured.
7. Submit a copy of current Right of Way bond policy in the amount of at least $7500 or the value of the work being performed in the ROW. (The bond shall be issued for no less than 36 months from the date of this application.) Continuous bond is preferred. Not applicable for Private Roads
8. Any lane or road closure will require a TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. Contractor must contact Valley County Dispatch for any lane/road closures 208-382-5160
9. Water Infrastructure Worksheet completed prior to Public Works Permit being issued (New Construction and Remodels Only).
Click the link below apply online:
The purpose of the permit system is to ensure compliance with current City Code and safety standards. More importantly, the permit system ensures that individuals completing work within the public’s property are properly insured and bonded against damages or accidents to public and private property that can and do occur when work is performed. Lastly, The City Council has authorized a permit fee structure to cover only the costs of inspections and administration of the permitting process.
The permittee and any successor agree to hold harmless, defend and indemnify through properly acquired Liability Insurance and ROW Bond the City of McCall. Repairs necessary to the Public Right of Way due to any work or occupancy shall be the responsibility of the permittee. There will be both a 12-month and a 24-month Public Works inspection performed following all permitted activities to ensure the endurance of the work that has taken place.
You can apply on line by clicking here - Public Works Permit or you can download a permit application by clicking on the link below. Once it is completed and all of the requirements on the permit are met (site plan, contractor information, insurance and payment) and it has been signed, you can submit the application package either in person at the Public Works department Office located at 815 N. Sampson Trail in McCall, by mail to: 216 E. Park Street, McCall, Idaho, 83638 or electronically to jweaver@mccall.id.us.
McCall Public Works Permit Application.pdf
If work is not completed within the time frame stated on the permit application, it will be necessary to formally update the Public Works Permit with the Public Works Department.
Typically, the City will allow work to commence within the City’s ROWs between May 1st and October 15th. However, cold/freezing spring and fall weather may restrict this time frame. Requests to complete work outside of these dates must receive prior authorization from the Public Works Director or Street Superintendent.
McCall Public Works Department is happy to answer any additional questions you have. Please use the following contact information below.
Cris Malvich, Streets Superintendent email: cmalvich@mccall.id.us Office: 208-634-8946
Jodi Weaver, Public Works Administrative Coordinator email: jweaver@mccall.id.us Office: 208-634-8945