Proposed Stibnite Project


On October 28, 2022, the Supplemental DEIS was published in the Federal Register initiating a 75-day comment period expiring January 10, 2023.   The City of McCall invited public comment and met for multiple meetings to develop a response to the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Here is the letter dated January 9, 2023, and signed by Mayor Bob Giles. 

 City of McCall Comment Ltr 01-09-23 SDEIS with Attachments.pdf 



McCall's Council has directed city staff to provide the public with multiple links to educate themselves on the proposed Stibnite mining project by Midas Gold. The Stibnite mining district is located in Valley County Idaho, east of the community of Yellow Pine near the East Fork South Fork Salmon River.

Although the McCall City Council is not a decision-maker in the process, creating a learning portal for citizens and gathering their opinion is important since the project will undoubtedly have some effects on our community over the course of many years.

The links below provide many resources showing the project from the view of Midas Gold /Perpetua, Agency requirements, as well as news articles. During a lecture series in the Fall of 2018, area municipality leaders, agency officials, Midas Gold Representatives, and specialists in the field were invited to present to the public on mining and their role in the approval process.  The resources available here and experienced during the lecture series led the community to the 45 Day Public Comment Period before the final Environmental Impact Statement.


Community Agreement Special Session Outcome - Press Release
Doing Democracy, Midas Gold Community Agreement September 18th - McCall Public Library 6pm
Metal Mining Discharges: Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems Symposium-September 24th (Monday) and 25th (Tuesday), 2018 at  Alpine Playhouse: 1210 Roosevelt Ave, McCall, Idaho

Stibnite Lecture Series
Tuesday, October 9th 6 pm at Northfork Lodge, 200 Scott St, McCall, ID 83638

Focusing in the how mining projects affect communities. ex. traffic, schools, housing, crime, economy

Process - Stibnite Lecture Series-Tuesday, October 23rd 6 pm Northfork Lodge, 200 Scott St, McCall, ID 83638
Focusing on the permitting and how government agencies fit into the project to regulate and protect.
Listen to Audio from Oct 23rd meeting. (Courtesy of the Star-News)
Environment - Stibnite Lecture Series-Tuesday, November 13th 6 pm Northfork Lodge, 200 Scott St, McCall, ID 83638
Focusing on the affects positive and/or negative that mining can have on the environment
Listen to the Audio from Nov 13th meeting.                                                 
1/7/2019 special session: Link includes most recent Community Agreement  Packet with most recent Community Agreement
Community Agreement Special Session Outcome - Press Release


Cooperating Agencies for the EIS are

  • Payette National Forest as the lead with close coordination with:
    • Boise National Forest
    • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
    • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
    • Idaho Department of Lands
    • Idaho Department of Environmental


Proposed Mining Plan of Operations
The estimated mineral resource is four to five million ounces of gold and 100 to 200 million pounds of antimony.  Antimony is considered a “critical mineral” as it is integral to national defense,  aerospace, and energy industries - there is currently no antimony production in the United States.  Midas Gold’s purpose for this project is to develop and operate a mining operation to obtain financial returns and benefits through the extraction of minerals.